Project Description

Glenwood High School organised the S2 Routes Into Employment event to introduce students to various career pathways and educational opportunities. Recognising the importance of engaging S2 students in career exploration and subject choices, the event adopted a “speed-dating” format, allowing students to interact directly with industry professionals and educators. 

The event aimed to broaden students’ understanding of career options and aid them in making informed subject choices for their upcoming academic years. Rather than a traditional careers fair, the “speed-dating” format facilitated meaningful discussions between students and representatives from diverse sectors such as Semefab, universities, colleges, the Royal Air Force, and local government services. 

Event Highlights: 

  • Each partner had a station within the assembly hall, where they interacted with groups of S2 students. 
  • Students rotated through the stations, engaging in short presentations and discussions with each partner. 
  • The event offered valuable insights into different industries, trades, and educational pathways, aiding students in making informed decisions about their future. 

Feedback: Feedback from 30 participating students revealed high levels of enjoyment and perceived usefulness of the event: 

  • 57% rated their enjoyment as a 5 out of 5. 
  • 67% found the event very useful.
  • 80% appreciated the speed-dating format.

Student Testimonials: 

  • “I’m glad I got to speak to people about Joinery and apprenticeships – now I know more about how to achieve that.” 
  • “It was good speaking with the universities and making us aware of the lots of choices they offer.” 
  • “I really liked speaking with Semefab as I am interested in Physics.” 
  • “I am thinking about going to university so I enjoyed speaking with them.” 

The S2 Routes Into Employment event successfully provided students with exposure to various career paths and educational routes, empowering them to make informed decisions about their future. Through direct engagement with industry professionals and educators, students gained valuable insights that will guide them in their academic and career journeys.