Project Description
Madras Leadership Development
The Centre for Educational Enhancement and Development (CEED) provided a leadership event at Madras college which was attended by 100 of our S6 pupils as part of a transition day.
The aims for the day for the pupils were:
- To think about characteristics of successful leaders
- To reflect on your own leadership strengths
- To think about the importance of good followership
- To practise leadership and team-working skills in a smaller group session
The S6 pupils had an hour-long lecture on effective leadership and followership (including leadership theory, leadership styles, followership styles, and effective teams), and also experienced three 15 minute small-group activities (from a choice of eight) to allow them to practice distributed leadership. At the end of the session, pupils were encouraged to reflect on what they had observed and learned.
CEED gave the following feedback after the session,
“From our point of view we felt the students engaged very well with the leadership lecture and small-group activities, and so achieved our aims. An additional aim would be to build on our good University-Madras relations, and we felt this was also achieved with some follow-up collaboration already taking place on mentorship training.”
Some of our young pupil who took part in the session provided their feedback,
“The event helped develop my communication skills and enabled me to interact positively and work with new people. The experience really helped my own personal confidence and bonded our year together.”
– Eleanor Gray S6
“It was really fun to work with people I wouldn’t normally work with whilst improving my teamwork skills.”
– Beth Hulse S6
“It was a fun and valuable afternoon which encouraged us to meet and co-operate with new people and was a great way to develop both my confidence and leadership skills.”
– Calum Munro S6