Project Description

The Raytheon Quadcopter Challenge

RTX invited schools to submit plans to participate in the 2024 Quadcopter Challenge last April. The Quadcopter Challenge is a STEM-based engineering challenge for school students, cadets, guides, scouts, or other groups, to design and build an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV).


1.The Quadcopter Challenge would be a fantastic opportunity for children across the country to showcase their talent and engage in a hands-on STEM engineering activity.

2.To encourage the target audience to select STEM subjects in higher education.

3.Teams were encouraged to think creatively to improve the Quadcopter and analyse any key issues.


1.The interactive challenge provided an opportunity to not only to engage with our students but to allow them to engage with other students in our schools competitively.

2.Each team was guided through the challenge by RTX’s STEM Ambassadors as they develop critical skills in: engineering / design, team working, project management, presentation skills / public speaking, and budgeting.


Raytheon UK is a technology company focused on Defence, Aerospace, Cyber & Intelligence with sites across the UK in England, Scotland and Wales. Raytheon UK‘s people have led significant innovations in the UK, over the past 100 years, from supporting World War I with its first ever homeland security radar warning system, to cracking codes and securing our critical national infrastructure.

Today they continue to innovate in air traffic management, digital transformation solutions that enable armed forces to bring air power and dominance to the skies, and space domain awareness keeping Britain at the forefront of all technology.

Student Feedback:

“It was awesome!” Silias

“I loved building the quadcopter, it gave me real life skills.”

“I am much more confident speaking in public.” Jack

“I really enjoyed designing and creating the presentation.”

“Developing STEM skills and realting it to real life has been very enjoyable.”

“It was fun being able to show my creative side.” Caitlin