Project Description
Exploring Travel & Tourism Career Pathways at Auchmuty High School
Kerry Harper, a parent at Auchmuty High School is a former member of cabin crew for various airlines, including Emirates and Ryanair. She contacted the school to see if the Travel and Tourism class would be interested in finding out more about the industry and the routes and pathways to careers within it.
A Pilot, Richard, also came in to speak on his career trajectory. He talked about the various routes that are available into becoming a pilot, depending on their financial situation, including his own route for becoming a pilot and achieving his license. He spoke about how this can be achievable for anyone with a passion on becoming a pilot. He also spoke to the pupils about flying lessons and where the various places to undertake them, the cadet programme and how this all leads to achieving the commercial airline pilot’s license.
Richard also talked to the pupils about the interview process, how to prepare for it and the type of questions that are asked. He also did a bit of role playing with the pupils to get them to interview him with the type of questions that are usually asked of a newly qualified pilot, which the pupils really enjoyed.
Intended Outcomes
Enthuse young people about the travel and aviation sector. Inform our young people about the various pathways into the industry.
Event Overview
Kerry gave an enjoyable and informative talk on the application process, training programme, life as cabin crew and the opportunities that it brings, including travel, living abroad and career progression.
Pupils were able to get involved and were encouraged to demonstrate the safety procedures and try on some of the in- flight safety equipment and uniforms that Kerry had brought along. Pupils were also able to ask questions about the job and get direct advice on how they could get into the industry.
The pupils loved the presentations from both Kerry and Richard, hearing about their passion, love of the industry and the opportunities it afforded them. This was evident by the pupil participation and the range of questions the young people asked.
Mason Maxwell said “I have always had a passion for becoming an airline pilot and do a lot of glider flying myself. Hearing about this today from Richard about the various pathways that are available into getting my license, I am more determined than ever to follow my passion to become a pilot”.