Project Description

The John Muir Award project at Lochgelly High School was initiated to increase the skills and attendance of some of our hardest-to-reach pupils and those at risk of negative destinations post-school. Recognising that pupils were more engaged in an outdoor setting, a teacher reached out to Outdoor Education to develop a programme that would help fulfil the John Muir Award Discovery level. 

From December to June, pupils attended Lochore Meadows and participated in various activities, including: 

  • Fire starting 
  • Archery 
  • Biking 
  • Litter picking 
  • Kayaking 
  • Raft building 

Key Achievements: 

  • One pupil learned to ride a bike, leading his parents to buy him his own bike. 
  • Several pupils tried archery for the first time. 
  • One pupil overcame a fear of water and jumped into the water. 

Feedback from Participants 


  • “Miss, I love this.” 
  • “I have had a really good time.” 
  • “I have worked on my resilience.” 


  • “It’s really good to see the boys getting outside. These are such great pictures, and I’m really proud.” (This feedback was given during a parent open event where parents were invited to see their children’s work and collaborate on a project.) 

The John Muir Award outdoor education programme at Lochgelly High School successfully engaged students in meaningful and enjoyable activities, fostering important life skills and resilience while also improving attendance and overall student well-being.