Project Description

Gaining Valuable Work Experience

At Kirkcaldy High School, our Pupil Support Officer got in touch with a local Salvation Army charity shop to see if one of our pupils who was becoming disengaged with school could complete some valuable work experience with them one afternoon a week.

The Salvation Army were more than happy to take on a new volunteer and support him in learning more about the world of work. Our pupil helped out in the shop, collecting donations, sorting the stock room and assisting in the shop.

The placement was such a huge success that our pupil increased his time with the Salvation Army to two days a week and maintained an excellent 100% attendance record. Gaining the skills and confidence needed to go out and obtain himself a second voluntary placement with R Lindsay.

R Lindsay is a local construction company who are currently on a recruitment drive, looking for hard working employees who they would be able to train to continue to work for them.

At R Lindsay, our pupil gained valuable experience working in the yard helping with preparing resources and tidying the stores. It is hoped that he can go out on landscaping and construction jobs when he turns 16.

Kirkcaldy High School’s Pupil Support Officer, Jane Preece, said,

“It is amazing to see how much things have turned around – he hated school before, didn’t bother to attend and found it worthless. Now he has attended both placements every single day and has worked so hard each day.”