Project Description
Enable Scotland: The Co-operative (ad)Venture Project
The Co-operative (ad)Venture Project is returning to Fife. However, this time, it wont be town specific like in previous cohorts. We are opening the project up to a Fife wide cohort. Spaces are limited so be quick and the sessions will be ONLINE!
The Co-operative (ad)Venture Project from Enable Scotland involves a series of engaging activities which take place twice a week, equipping young people with learning difficulties, disabilities and autism aged 16 – 30 with the skills needed to assist with the smooth transition from compulsory education to further education, training and employment.
Young people will;
- Gain a deep understanding of co-operative values and practices,
- Set up their own “co-operative” taking action to tackle any problems they collectively identify in their local community
- Attend work experience to help gain the experience needed in the workplace
- Gain confidence and skills to take into their working life, boosting their local community
Read the flyer for more information.
If you feel you would benefit from the project, you can sign up online here:
If you have any questions, please contact Liam Flinn – 07591389069