Project Description
Dunfermline High School hosted a Careers Fayre with over 60 employers and organisations attending. Representatives from each organisation had their own stand. This was held in the evening in order to allow young people to bring parents/carers along with them. Young people approached the stands they were interested in to find out more information about the employers.
Positive feedback was given from a number of employers about the maturity of the young people in their assertiveness and communication with the representatives. Feedback from young people was that they had gained a deeper insight into the types of careers available to them and particularly in the local area. Some of the school’s S5/6 pupils were able to find out more about university courses and entry requirements.
The event also offered excellent networking opportunities for DYW and new links have been established. Dunfermline High School will now benefit from a link with Entrepreneur Me and Matt Stewart will be hosting enterprise workshops within the school. A link has also been established with local business, LobsterPod, with opportunities for career talks and work experience.
The event had attendees from the following businesses: Abbotsford Headwell Nursing Home, Abertay University, Axon Cable Limited, Babcock International, Condie & Co Limited, CR Smith, Edinburgh Napier University, EQ Accountants LLP, ExxonMobil, EY Foundation, Fife College, Fife Council, Fife Council – Early Years Team, Fife Council’s Supported Employment Service, Inglis Vets, Kingdom Housing Association, Pars Foundation, PASS Edinburgh College, Perth College UHI, QA LTD, QinetiQ, Queen Margaret University, Raytheon UK, Robert Gordon University, Royal Air Force, Scotland’s Rural College (SRUC), Scots Guards Infantry Engagement Team, Scottish Prison Service, Skills Development Scotland, Sky, Thomson Cooper, Todd Fish Tech Ltd, University of Dundee, University of Edinburgh, University of Glasgow, University of Strathclyde, University of the West of Scotland, Vets Now Limited, VITEC, Wheatley Care, LobsterPod, and more!